Entries by pmrc


Blog – Policy Monitoring and research Centre Expectations of The Presidential Address – Opening of Parliament

As His Excellency the President Mr. Edgar Lungu officially opens the 4th Session of the 12th National Assembly, The Policy Monitoring and Research Centre hereby provides the following as our expectations to inform the address to the National Assembly and the country at large. The following are our expectations: A call for unity in South […]


Blog – Analysis of the Zambia Railway sector – Structural deficiencies and way forward

The railway system in Zambia is an extensive network of surface transport connecting all major centers of economic activity and is strategically instrumental in facilitating enhanced trade and growth. However, the railway systems network in Zambia has been operating at a sub-optimal level compared to its capacity. Tanzania/Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA) which is co-owned by […]


Blog – Towards the Implementation of a Sustainable, Inclusive and Effective E-voucher Farmer Input Support Program (FISP) in 2019 and beyond.

The Electronic Voucher Farmer Input Support Programme (e-Voucher) was fully implemented during the 2017/2018 farming season after a successful pilot of two farming seasons before. There have been notable implementation successes such as; reduced Government expenditure associated with procurement, transport and storage of inputs. The other successes relate to increased private sector participation in input […]


Blog – Sustainable Development Goals Sub-Regional Centre for Southern Africa. Reaffirming Zambia’s Economic Diplomacy.

7th August 2019 marked another milestone in the diplomatic discourse of Zambia. The day marked the official launch of the Sustainable Development Goals Sub-Regional Center for Southern Africa, housed in Lusaka. The launch was graced by the Republican President Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu and his counterpart President Paul Kagame of Rwanda. This launch came after […]