Entries by pmrc


National Health Insurance – BLOG

Introduction Health is central to development and is a precondition for, as well as an indicator and an outcome of progress in sustainable development.  It is therefore essential that Zambia achieves universal health coverage at every stage of life, with particular emphasis on primary health services, including mental and reproductive health, to ensure that all […]


Towards Successful Implementation of the Seventh National Development Plan

The Seventh National Development Plan departs from sectoral-based planning to an integrated (multi-sectoral) development approach under the theme “Accelerating development efforts towards the Vision 2030 without leaving anyone behind”. The integrated approach recognises the multi-faceted and interlinked nature of sustainable development which calls for interventions to be tackled simultaneously through a coordinated approach to implementing development programmes. Through the […]


Domestic Resource Mobilisation Parliament Presentation-BLOG

Introduction Domestic Resource Mobilization (D.R.M.) refers to the generation of savings from domestic resources and their allocation to economically and socially productive investments. Such resource allocation can come from both the public and private sectors. The public sector does this through taxation and other forms of public revenue generation.