Entries by pmrc

The State of Zambia’s Tourism Sector

On Tuesday 23rd January 2017, the PMRC research team appeared before the Parliamentary Committee on Lands, Environment and Tourism to discuss “The State of Zambia’s Tourism Sector”. The submission was based on the tourism sector’s contribution to GDP, total revenue collected  and statistics on employment in the past recent years. Additionally, the memorandum will present […]


Energy Reform Lessons and Implications

In the  2017  national budget, the government of Zambia announced plans to introduce ‘cost-reflective tariffs’ for electricity by the end of 2017. This means removing the subsidies, which currently allow ZESCO to charge consumers less than the cost of producing and distributing electricity. In view of the current economic context, with a large government budget […]

Fiscal Decentralisation in Zambia

On Wednesday 18th January 2017, the PMRC research team appeared before the Parliamentary Committee on Estimates to discuss “Fiscal Decentralisation” in Zambia and potential budgetary changes to promote service delivery. The submission and discussions focused on understanding the concept of Fiscal decentralisation, assessing the status of sub-national authorities and also analyzing possible institutional and budgetary […]

Financial Literacy Key to the Development of the Informal Sector

Financial literacy can be understood as the education and understanding of various financial areas with focuses on the ability to manage personal finance matters in an efficient manner.  Financial literacy includes the knowledge of making appropriate decisions about personal finance such as investing and saving. Key financial stakeholders in Zambia hold awareness weeks on an […]

Electricity Subsidies help rich Zambians five times more than the Poor –but Removing Subsidies needs to be done with care

Electricity subsidies benefit the rich more than the poor. The richest Zambians currently receive nearly five times more in subsidies than the poor, according to a new research commissioned by Policy Monitoring and Research Centre (PMRC).  Given how unfair the current subsidy is, the government’s aim of reforming subsidies by the end of 2017 is […]


The National Policy on Climate Change

Climate change is widely recognized as one of the major challenges facing humanity and to address such a global issue, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was therefore adopted in 1992 to stabilize Green House Gases (GHG) concentration in the atmosphere. By definition, climate change is “a long-term change in the earth’s climate, […]